Training Recordings
Joe Kelly's Agent Training & Conference Call Recordings:
Important Notes:
Past zoom recordings from Joe Kelly are linked below. Recordings will be added to this page the week it was recorded.
Zoom links will have passcodes that you will have to enter to view the recording.
Some links may be YouTube videos. You do not need a passcode to view these links.
Monthly Conference Call Recordings
Kelly Right Real Estate’s monthly Zoom Conference Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, on the second Tuesday of every month. We send a reminder email with the access information prior to the call. The access information is always the same. If the date or access information changes, we will send out an email notice. You do not need to join by video if you do not want to, you can call in by phone instead. We do not always record the Conference Calls. See here for the schedule and join information.
Passcode: VP.$e96%
Further reading:
Passcode: Gzq9&?Eg
Information on Kelly Right’s transaction, commission, referrals and paperwork process:
Commission & Transactions
Click here to watch the zoom video.
Passcode: E55y$HpA
May 2024 Monthly Conference Call:
Zoom URL:
Passcode: x=KXKH46
Recording URL:
Passcode: hJDm^+^8
Zoom URL:
Passcode: ?LA@Ee2W
Weekly Agent Training Recordings
Kelly Right Real Estate’s weekly Agent Training Zoom Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, on the every Tuesday of every month. We send a reminder email with the access information prior to the call. The access information is always the same. If the date or access information changes, we will send out an email notice. As we do these weekly, there will be times we cancel, due to holidays or other scheduling conflicts. We will send you an email notifying you if the training is cancelled. Those are great times to review a previous training.
When joining the call, you do not need to join by video if you do not want to, you can call in by phone instead. Recordings of the trainings will be added to this page within a few days of the call. See here for the schedule and Zoom joining information.
Passcode: @37kXiJP
- Additional Scam Safety Information:
To clarify a question that was asked in the training, “Any conventional loan with 20% or more down, the seller can contribute 6% towards closing costs. Anything less than that, they are limited to 3% seller contributions. This is for conventional/conforming loans only.” -Joe Kelly, 11/2023
Passcode: %CSdnYR1
To get started with an account to make HUD Homestore bids, you must contact Mary at with your name and state.
Password: YWP@AJ^9
SEE HERE for our NAID #’s and more information:
To get started with an account to make HUD Homestore bids, you must contact Mary at with your name and state.
Password: uTzfnw.6
SEE HERE for our NAID #’s and more information:
Passcode: %Mp.ck3W
Licensing information and instructions by state here on the Agent Portal:
Passcode: y52CaC?6
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in buying, selling, renting and financing of housings based on seven federally protected classes:
National origin
Sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity)
Familial status
More Details:
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) resources:
Referral Information on the Agent Portal:
Passcode: o2daD$Hj
Working with buyers, buyer’s agreements and more in the post-NAR settlement market.
Zoom recording:
Passcode: !7%F26oi
Working with sellers, seller’s agreements, buyer’s commissions and more in the post-NAR settlement landscape.
Zoom recording:
Passcode: HfY60b$3
A guide to closing for Kelly Right agents. Procedures, forms, and more.
Video link:
Password: Ww%XdE!8
The basics of digital marketing for real estate agents.
Zoom URL:
Passcode: #Jd&Hj6r
How to use signs, business cards and other marketing materials, including brand compliance and more!
Zoom recording:
Passcode: fT#!7X.l
How to use mortgage finance to close real estate deals.
Recording URL:
Passcode: j19%LTnv
An overview of the NAR settlement and Q&A session.
Zoom recording:
Passcode: xRG#U!4M
On overview of Paperless Pipeline. What it is, how to use it, and a brief Q&A.
Zoom recording:
Passcode: P^p88Sk?
The basics of representing both sides in a transaction.
Zoom link:
Passcode: =7N56UQn
Using buyer credits in the transaction process.
Zoom URL:
Passcode: 9EHRd!P6
Buyer And Seller Agreements post-NAR Settlement FAQ
Zoom Recording:
Passcode: uRN^#1im
A brief guide to compensation in transactions.
Zoom URL:
Passcode: ^4d7%&ve
Monthly Zoom Conference Calls with Joe Kelly
Kelly Right Real Estate’s Monthly Zoom Conference Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, on the second Tuesday of every month. We send a reminder email with the access information prior to the call. The access information is always the same.
You do not need to join by video if you do not want to, you can call in by phone instead. We do not always record the Conference Calls. See below for the times of the call and for Zoom joining information.
Conference Calls Joining Information:
Kelly Right Real Estate’s monthly Zoom Conference Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, on the second Tuesday of every month.
- TIME: 10 am PST, 11 am MST, 12 pm CST and 1 pm EST
- DATE: 2nd Tuesday of every month
- MEETING ID #: 828 7533 2247
- PASSCODE: 934748
- ZOOM SUPPORT: 1-888-799-9666
DIAL BY LOCATION (if needed):
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
- Joe will mute everyone at the beginning of the call.
- You can ask questions via the chat box.
- Please keep messages in the chat box to a minimum.
- Joe will unmute agents for questions at the end.
- You do not need a Zoom account to join the call.
- The call is approximately 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.
- You do not need to RSVP.
- Please review the Zoom instructions.
Weekly Tuesday Agent Training Zoom Calls with Joe Kelly
Kelly Right Real Estate’s weekly Agent Training Zoom Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, on the every Tuesday of every month. We send a reminder email with the access information prior to the call. The access information is always the same. If the date or access information changes, we will send out an email notice. As we do these weekly, there will be times we cancel, due to holidays or other scheduling conflicts. We will send you an email notifying you if the training is cancelled. Those are great times to review a previous training.
When joining the call, you do not need to join by video if you do not want to, you can call in by phone instead. Recordings of the trainings will be added to this page within a few days of the call. See below for the times of the weekly Tuesday call and for Zoom joining information.
Agent Training Joining Information:
Kelly Right Real Estate’s weekly Zoom Agent Training Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, and are held every Tuesday of every month.
These training sessions are meant to be a Q&A open forum to benefit newer agents, and agents who feel they may need a refresh. These calls will cover a variety of topics, so come prepared to ask questions and learn.
- TIME: 1 pm PST, 2 pm MST, 3 pm CST and 4 pm EST
- DATE: every Tuesday of every month
- MEETING ID #: 876 5138 7630
- PASSCODE: 048985
- ZOOM SUPPORT: 1-888-799-9666
- Joe will mute everyone at the beginning of the call.
- You can ask questions via the chat box.
- Please keep messages in the chat box to a minimum.
- Joe will unmute agents for questions at the end.
- You do not need a Zoom account to join the call.
- The call is approximately 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.
- You do not need to RSVP.
- Please review the Zoom instructions.
Joe Kelly’s Fuse Training series of 15 videos cover topics such as: paperwork, transactions, appraisals, inspections, finance, valuations, e-signatures, listings and more.