

Training Resource List

Kelly Right Real Estate is not your typical brokerage. Because we are largely a virtual company, we don’t have regular in-person meetings or trainings. Instead, we provide training resources for you to join as you see fit. Scroll through the page below for a variety of learning options. 

In other sections of the Agent Portal, you will find plenty of additional training resources for specific topics.

Click links or scroll to review each section:

Weekly Zoom Class Schedule:

Kelly Right Real Estate President and Broker, Joe Kelly

Important Notes:

  • Joe will mute the participants at the beginning of the call.
  • You can ask questions via the chat box.
  • Please keep messages in the chat box to a minimum.
  • Joe will unmute agents and open up for questions at the end of the call.
  • You do not need a Zoom account to join the call.
  • The call is usually 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the content.
  • You do not need to contact us if you will or will not be attending.
  • Please review the Zoom instructions in the links provided.
  • We will email a recording of the call sometime later that day or week.

Monthly Zoom Conference Calls with Joe Kelly

Kelly Right Real Estate’s monthly Zoom Conference Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, on the second Tuesday of every month. We send a reminder email with the access information prior to the call. The access information is always the same. If the date or access information changes, we will send out an email notice. You do not need to join by video if you do not want to, you can call in by phone instead.

We do record some of the Conference Calls you can watch here (if there is a recording).

  • TIME:  10 am PST, 11 am MST, 12 pm CST and 1 pm EST
  • DATE: 2nd Tuesday of every month
  • MEETING ID #:  828 7533 2247 
  • PASSCODE 934748
  • ZOOM SUPPORT 1-888-799-9666

DIAL BY LOCATION (if needed)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Weekly Zoom Agent Training with Joe Kelly

Kelly Right Real Estate’s weekly Zoom Agent Training Calls are hosted by President, Joe Kelly, and are held  every Tuesday of every month.  

These training sessions are meant to be a Q&A open forum to benefit newer agents, and agents who feel they may need a refresh. These calls will cover a variety of topics, so come prepared to ask questions and learn.

We send a reminder email with the access information prior to the call.  The access information is always the same.  If the date or access information changes, we will send out an email notice. You do not need to join by video if you do not want to, you can call in by phone instead.

We do record some of the weekly trainings and make them available here.

  •  TIME:  1 pm PST, 2 pm MST, 3 pm CST and 4 pm EST
  • DATE: every Tuesday of every month
  • MEETING ID #: 876 5138 7630
  • PASSCODE 048985
  • ZOOM SUPPORT 1-888-799-9666

DIAL BY LOCATION (if needed)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Training with Broker Liaison Kendra Jenks

Broker Liaison Kendra Jenks offers weekly classes on the BoldTrail platform, and conducts our new agent orientation training. It is highly encouraged that you attend these classes rather than watching recordings so you can participate, network, and have any questions you might have answered. 

Her weekly classes: 

BoldTrail : Step 1

  • First, Third and Last Tuesday of every month at 9:30 AM MST (8:30 PST/10:30 CST/11:30 EST)
  • Zoom Meeting ID:  889 1053 0135
  • Passcode: 620726

Agent Portal, Onboarding and New Agent Orientation

  • Every Wednesday at 9:30 AM MST (8:30 PST/10:30 CST/11:30 EST)
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 852 3723 3201
  • Passcode: 715257

BoldTrail Step 2

  • Every Thursday at 9:30 AM MST (8:30 PST/10:30 CST/11:30 EST)
  • Meeting ID: 858 0679 2749
  • Passcode: 1234!!

 Email Kendra with any questions at kjenks@kellyright.com

Mortgage Training with Louie Flores, NMLS# 1009422

These mortgage trainings are for the purpose of helping agents understand the financing end of the real estate transaction. Some weeks are open topics and some weeks, Louie covers a specific scenario or loan type. Agents are encouraged to ask questions during the call. We send out email reminders announcing the topic for that week.

Kelly Right International, Inc & Modus Mortgage NMLS# 1028232  Affiliated Business Agreement

NMLS Consumer Access Link | Equal Housing Opportunity 

140 S. Arthur St #600, Spokane, WA 99202 | 844-663-8711 | info@modusmortgage.com Licensed in: WA, OR, ID, UT, MT, OK, AL and FL

New Agent Training Videos with Forrest Hayley

Forrest Hayley is an experienced Realtor, certified instructor and veteran.  He has a degree in Real Estate from North Seattle College. Forrest teaches first time home buyer courses, VA home buyer classes, courses for the Washington State Housing and Finance Commission’s low or zero down payment homebuyers program, as well as the full 90 clock hour Pre-Licensing courses for those interested in becoming Real Estate Brokers.

Forrest ‘s short videos are packed with expert information to help get you started in your real estate career.

CE (Continuing Education) for License Renewals

We have a few CE program options that offer discounts to Kelly Right agents. You are not required to use these CE vendors if you prefer to use a different company. 

Many local MLS’, Associations and title companies offer real estate agents educational courses for CE hours that can apply towards renewing your real estate license. The hours are not reported to us so we cannot look up how many hours left you need to take.

Each state’s continuing education requirements are different.  Visit the NAR link below for state references, or visit the Licensing  Renewal Information by State  page for each state’s renewal information and requirements.

NAR Training

Courses are offered by the National Association of Realtors® (NAR), NAR Affiliates, REALTOR® Associations and independent providers. 

Classes are on a wide variety of topics that change from time to time. Examples of classes: Social Media Marketing, Closing & Settlements, Core Ethics, Safety, Mental Health & Wellness, Negotiations, Sales, Team Building, Advertising, Designations & Certifications, Commitment to Excellence (C2EX) , L.E.A.D. Courses, Financial Wellness, Leadership Development etc.

The Real Estate Trainer

Business Generation Methods

Real estate productivity methods designed to help agents generate more business.
Click Here

Realtor Infographics

Real estate infographics for agents to keep clients informed and promote their businesses.
Click Here

Online Strategies

Learn innovative ways to use websites, social media and the internet to generate business and provide better customer service.
Click Here

Sales & Team Meeting Videos

Instructional videos, top agent interviews and agent panel discussions.
Click Here

Real Estate Scripts

Scripts, Dialogues and Objection handlers to help generate business, communicate to clients and provide better service.
Click Here

Real Estate Teams

Training, hiring, team structures, compensation, motivating, budgeting, and lead generation for teams
Click Here
Free Coaching and Scripts

Local Training Resources and CE Hours

Most local MLS’ and Associations offer training on their internal systems, such as listing input classes on their technology, and sometimes agent educational classes for CE hours that can apply towards renewing your real estate license.

Local title and escrow companies also often have broker classes and CE hours.  It is always a good idea to look to your local resources for more training opportunities. 

We have a few CE program options that offer discounts to Kelly Right agents, however you are not required to use these CE vendors if you have one you prefer to use. See our Continuing Education section of the Agent Portal for details on those classes and license renewal requirements.

Mentor Program

Kelly Right Real Estate offers a mentor program to facilitate and encourage new agents to learn, grow, share and build their business while under the watchful eye of a more established and experienced real estate professional.

For more details, see our Mentor Program page. 

If you are interested in participating in the Mentor Program, please contact us @ broker@kellyright.com.

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