

Crucial information that every Kelly Right Real Estate agent should know.

Required Agency Disclosures and State Policies

You must check your state laws and local real estate commission for disclosure requirements.

Law of Real Estate Agency Pamphlets and Forms: Per local laws, the below Law of Real Estate Agency for WA, ID and OR are required to be given to every buyer and seller you work with prior to any paperwork being signed.

Alabama Buyer’s Acknowledgment Statement: Alabama agents will need to include this form in all transactions.

Washington Agents Required Records, WAC 308-124C-105 (2.c): You must keep “… all agreements, receipts, contracts, documents, leases, closing statements and material correspondence for each real estate or business opportunity transaction, and for each rental, lease, contract or mortgage collection account.” WAC 308-124 (2.c)  www.app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=308-124C-105

Transaction & E&O Insurance Fees Explained

Transaction Fee Breakdown:

  • $109 transaction fee for gross commission up to $1000
  • $159 transaction fee per gross commission of $1001 to $2000
  • $209 transaction fee per gross commission of $2001 and above
  • Mandatory tax obligations will be deducted where required by state law. For instance, Washington state charges a 1.5% B&O tax on all commissions, which we report and pay to the Dept of Revenue.
  •  Kelly Right charges a $50 processing fee for Movoto lead program generated transactions in addition to the standard transaction fee. Movoto takes 30-35% of the commission depending on the sale price.
  • For agents who use OpCity, Kelly Right charges 5% of the gross commission earned from all Opcity /Realtor.com leads. OpCity is no longer accepting new agents

E&O Supplementary Fee & Claim Deductibles:

  • On sales over 2 million, your E&O charge will go up $25 for every $100,000 over $2 million in price. This $25 will be added to your transaction fee. 
  • Note: The base transaction fee for a $2.5 million property will still be $209. Supplemental E&O would be calculated as follows: $209 (normal rate) + $25×5 ($500 thousand over $2 million) = $314
  • We maintain Errors and Omissions insurance for all agents. If a claim is necessary, we will withhold the deductible from your commissions if it is determined that a violation and/or an error has occurred.

1099's, W9's and Tax Information

CPA Explanation & Business Expenses

Kelly Right Real Estate is a 100% commission firm and advertises as such.  1099’s issued have your gross commission reported (your 1099 issued will not reflect any deductions from your 100% commissions).

We are not a licensed CPA. It is your responsibility to keep track of your expenses and income. 

See the letter from our CPA below (from prior years) for an explanation of gross income reporting.

Screenshot of the 1099 tax return email.

When and how do I get my 1099?

  • 1099s are required to be sent by January 31 for the previous year.
  • After January 31, if you have not received your 1099, please email sfarrel@kellyright.com.
  • If you made less than the federal minimum for 1099 reporting, you will not receive one.

The Independent Contractor Agreement

This is the Independent Contractor Agreement between you, the agent, and Kelly Right International. These are the terms of your affiliation with the agency.

Kelly Right Real Estate Policies and Procedures Manual

This manual includes information regarding:

  • Affiliation
  • Office Polices
  • Advertising: This section is being updated. Refer to the Brand Guide for Marketing Compliance Policies
  • Compensation
  • Listing Policy
  • Buyer’s Principal Brokerage
  • Selling Policies and Procedures
  • Closing Procedures
  • Antitrust

New Teams Joining Kelly Right

Teams are absolutely welcome to join Kelly Right. If you are interested in forming a team, please see our Teams page for more information or contact Kendra Jenks at broker@kellyright.com for more details.

Company Texts, Support Chat, Emails and Scams

Kelly Right Text Support: 509-400-4132

M-F, 8 am - 4 pm PST

Do not unsubscribe or block company texts or emails. State law, MLS by-laws and association rules require agents/brokers to receive and review company communications.

We take care to keep communications relevant. Expect regular messaging including weekly training announcements, information about opportunities for you to grow your business and other important updates.
Please review all messages in case a response from you is required.
If you are not receiving regular company communications, please check your spam/junk folder. If you are having issues locating company emails, please contact us for assistance.
Please see the Avoid Scams and Safety Tips module of the Agent Portal for extensive information to help you recognize and avoid scams, and how to report them.

NOTE: Do not forward suspicious emails or texts to us. Do not reply to them, do not click on links/attachments and do not give them your personal information.

Commissions & Transactions

Kelly Right Real Estate is dedicated to making the transaction and payment process as fast and efficient as possible. We have an in-house Transaction Coordinator whom you can hire if you require assistance.

Please review our Commissions & Transactions page for more information.

Continuing Education & Licensing

It is your responsibility to maintain your active license, association and MLS status, and to pay your dues.

You must know your license expiration date, renewal requirements and keep your license active. Be proactive so that your license is current and remains in good standing.

Please review our CE Hours and License Renewals page for  continuing education options, and licensing information by state.

Termination of Affiliation / Cancellation Forms

If you are considering leaving Kelly Right Real Estate, we would love to have an opportunity to talk to you about any questions or concerns you have to see how we can better support you and your business. Please feel free to reach out to us.

Cancellation of Membership and Billing with Kelly Right

  • Cancellation forms must be submitted prior to the 10th of the month. We will continue to bill you until one is received regardless of your license status.
  • Complete the bottom box of the form; credit card information is not required.
  • All three pages need to be signed.
  • If you do not have any active contracts, write “Not applicable” or “N/A” on pages 2 and 3.
  • For multiple contracts, you will need to sign a separate Authorization and Release form for each one.
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